Fatality combo

El mismo día que Mel acepto nuestra ruptura, me dijo que tenía planeado visitarme de todos modos si yo aceptaba recibirlo, como podría decirle que no...

Una semana más tarde ya tenía el boleto listo, llegaba, tarde y sin propósito, pero llegaba. Sus intenciones iniciales eran hablar sobre el rompimiento, pero desde el principio se esforzó por dilatar la conversación, estuve decidida todo el tiempo, y lo arrinconé hasta obligarlo hablar, u obligarlo a decirme sus planes y admitir que me había roto el corazón, Mel y yo no volvimos a formar el dúo de antes, todo era doloroso y triste, estábamos en el punto de no retorno, jamás volveríamos a brillar juntos, su presencia era una tortura, como podría amarme y ser tan cabrón de dejarme sin mis planes y esperanzas, como podía estar enamorado de mí y no ser capaz de hacerme el amor en el balcón, de no tocarme, de  no desearme, el pensamiento lógico no encontraba argumentos para mis cuestionamientos, deje de insistir, no podría ser amable con él, y le dije que quería que sea feliz, pero por ahora lo mejor era permanecer sin contacto, le escribí una carta a Mel y me he despedido de él.

The mysterious ending (Fatality combo) 

My heart has something to tell you: 

I'm taking distance from you even though it's the hardest decision to make, but I do it for mental health and because I need to advance to the next point of my life, maybe, sometimes it is necessary to leave behind the people we love the most for not lose the notion of who we are. The time prior to making a decision of this size appear doubts, when you fall in love or give place to another person in your life, you do it with the idea of achieving something lasting, until one day you realize that you have fallen into a situation that is not healthy, and it is necessary to turn to another side. In the end I move away from you so as not to lose my permanently smile, it is a fact that the relationships we have affect us as we give them importance, the state of the relationship affects the way I feel and the perspective I have about life, a relationship that makes me miserable little by little fills every hole of my life and is that if I do not get away from you now I could end up with a gray life that I do not want, and you know I do not want ... I do not walk away from you because I think life must be perfect, I understand that all relationships involve ups and downs and thinking the opposite would be immature, absurd but when every word every silence and every smile and every talk ends up being negative there is no way to follow.

We started this relationship because we found in the other what made us happy, we felt comfortable and we had the possibility to grow together, now all memories have begun to be erased with criticism, tears and sorrows. I know you didnt believe in me, we know we take distance, we were selfish at some point and I was needy in another, I grow up alone and I coudnt make you part of this process and prolly you grow up too and that made you see things different.

 I stay away from you because there are still reasons to smile when I remember you, maybe all the above does not seem enough reason to get away from you but there is something more important that you must understand and it has cost me to accept: im not in your future plans, you dont see your life with me next to you.   

Although I have heard that being loved is the most important thing to maintain a relationship, loving is what gives true meaning to that decision

Maybe with this decision I break your illusions but it is worse to maintain a relationship when only one does his/her part.

is that I am away from you because I can not pretend that you mean the same as before, you were my world, the most important person in my life and I forget myself to try to follow you but you werent ready, you arent ready ...

It's time for everyone to follow their path and do not think it's your fault or mine, there just circumstances that happen in life and can not be changed

Another reason why I walk away is that I listen to you but I dont believe you anymore, I dont feel you close, I cant connect to you in the way we used to, you seems so far away from me and this is painful, I cant do something to fix that

It is likely that it took me a long time to realize that I can not change the situation

maybe try by all means to try to made this works but I just coudnt

Even if it seems like a painful decision and you think that I'm just looking for damage I walk away from you to free us I take all responsibility for me, my decisions and my feelings The most important thing is that I move away to give rise to new experiences and people who fill you up as a human being and believe me I could stay but the doors are half closed they do not let you advance and you deserve absolute love I want you to close this door and learn to see the one that will opens, I will do the same without forgetting all the positive things that you brought to my life because today I walk away from you to let you grow with freedom but above all I stay away from you so as not to get lost

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